Dear All
Happy new year and I trust you are all keeping well.
The committee met recently to discuss plans for this season and the current restrictions regarding COVID.
Of course it is our wish to run as many events as possible this year but we must be mindful of the safety of all concerned, with the current lockdown and no one really knowing (including MUK) what restrictions/tiers we will return to when it ends. The situation is very fluid and of course large events are already being cancelled or postponed until later in the year.
With this in mind the committee will review the situation after the next major announcement from the Government and will advise on our plans once guidelines from MUK are provided.
We are committed to giving as much notice regarding the running of an event as we know travel plans etc come in to play but it could be up to 6 weeks before the event.
In the meantime we would like to thank you for your continued support as the club is very tight on funds following a fallow year, new members are very welcome and volunteers even more so.
Rest assured we are committed to making Doune happen once it is safe to do so.
Kind regards
Tim Thomson